![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:19 • Filed to: WOODWARD, I CAN'T EVEN | ![]() | ![]() |
Now with contradicting “Don’t be afraid of Detroit” and Rebel flag! Also is openly a brake checker “My brakes are good, how is your insurance”. So you know she is the worst.
I would put real money on that thing never gets driven below 8 mile. Or at most, takes the highway downtown to a parking garage for a sports game.
Previous posts for context -
![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:22 |
“Now with contradicting “Don’t be afraid of Detroit” and Rebel flag!”
aka I go to Tigers games and can’t wait for them homeless to step out of line so I can shoot them.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:23 |
You would think someone like that would want to lay low, but maybe she isn’t that intelligent?
![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:23 |
It would give me an immense amount of joy to see this on the side of the road with blue lights behind it.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:25 |
Again- at least I don’t see MSU stickers anymore.
God she’s the worst.
I’ve got some locations I’d love for her to park this Jeep. Then we can find out how HER insurance is....
![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:26 |
Yea. Thats supposed to be a positive sticker. Some how just doesn’t have the same feeling from someone with this as a security camera name.
Side note. For some reason I REALLY want to see her on the road, I’m not agro enough to do anything. Just more to confirm she is real.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:28 |
Yeah, I’m pretty sure if I rear-ended her I could make a very good claim that she intentionally caused the accident... And doesn’t she know that Michigan fought for the north?
If you want the REAL rebel flag, nothing beats the original:
![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:28 |
Clearly not.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:28 |
I would LOVE to see her drive that thing on my commute through the east side.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:35 |
Why do assholes always have Fox stickers on their cars?
As for this member of the Basket of Deplorables...my insurance is very good, thank you very much...I also have a dash cam...sooooooo yeah, sorry. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:36 |
I find it hard to believe this is the same girl as the previous pictures. I also find it hard to believe three separate women would be this similar. Has this been confirmed to be the same woman?
![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:36 |
I bet her computer is loaded up with interracial porn.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:38 |
This would be Basic Florida sticker application.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:39 |
This. Apparently she’s local to me, but I’ve never seen these abominations.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:39 |
I really hope you could make that case, but Michigan is a No-Fault insurance state so I’m not sure how that would work.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:41 |
Lets just have her park it somewhere, I don’t want he death on my conscience. I don’t mind the truck getting tore up tho.
When my little brother in law started putting it on his truck we had many, many arguments about how bad it was. That it was racist. That it was un-American. Etc.
He kept saying it was about his right to rebel against the government. I told him if it wasn’t racist to go fly that flag down in Detroit and see how it goes. lol
![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:42 |
I actually chuckled out loud in my office. The thought of that.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:43 |
Looks like a typical backwoods redneck girl in the South.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:45 |
If that same brother in law says so much as a peep about anyone protesting the anthem being unAmerican, I hope you get the chance to point out the hypocrisy.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:47 |
Yea. Fucking white trash gonna white trash. Gotta pretend someone’s “beneath” you to feel better about yourself. Smh.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:50 |
Did she alter her license plate to say
Pure Michigan? That would be appropriate.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:51 |
I wonder if stuff like this will finally break the southern racist redneck stereotype. Clearly there are racists everywhere.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:52 |
Ah, gotcha. However in that case I wouldn’t have to worry about it, not with what’s bolted on the front of my tuck. She’d be my crumple zone lol.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:55 |
Oh, downriver. The deep dirty south of the midwest.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:55 |
I live in South Carolina, a state with irrational levels of Dixie Pride, but Michigan seems to out-white-trash us at every turn.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 10:59 |
Same girl. Her friend commented in the latest post calling her out with a shotgun photo.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 11:06 |
But the North and like 15 minutes from Detroit.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 11:10 |
Okay, that sounds nicer. But yea lol, its not hard to figure out if something is racist or not.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 11:11 |
Thats the issue though, we’re in the north and a major metro area.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 11:12 |
I’m guessing the no-fault stuff applies to personal injury protection and property damage.
Most likely though if one person is found at fault they could pay liability and part of that is usually reimbursing the no-fault insurers payments.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 11:12 |
Clearly there are racists everywhere.
I have never doubted this.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 11:14 |
Probably true. But this is actually north of Detroit. I’ll let themanwithsauce explain.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 11:15 |
I bet she’s just a friggin’ delight to be around.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 11:16 |
We love being first at something! Or last, whatever.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 11:17 |
Any level of “Dixie Pride” is irrational.
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I honestly have no idea. We already have the highest insurance in the country and I don’t want mine any higher. I’ve never filed a claim.
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![]() 09/13/2016 at 11:21 |
Well, being proud of being from any state is fine.
Being proud of being from a state
it was part of a movement to secede from the country is not fine.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 11:23 |
If your little brother is still confused about the racism behind the stars and bars, just ask him to look up the guy who made them.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 11:27 |
![]() 09/13/2016 at 11:28 |
Yeah, but #FloridaMan is rarely from Florida. It’s usually Illinois, Ohio, or similar.
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Someone needs to tell people who make tv shows and movies.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 11:32 |
I’m glad she upgraded from “daddy bought me the cheapest thing to shut me up” (dodge avenger) to “I have a 4x4 to hop curbs I don’t notice while texting and driving” and someone is going to have to tell her that a dirt driveway isn’t off roading.
SHe probably went to blake’s apple mill for the most tasteless donuts and bland, derivative cider in the world. It’s a fuckin place for an elementary school kid’s field trip, not for basic bitches to pose for instagram not stop clogging the fucking roads and getting into fights for paring spots outside that dump.
She parties in the city of rochester. SHe just does. Detroit is FAR too black....I mean “urban” for her. Besides, her on again, off again friend bangs a bartender at the club and gets her cheap drinks...well, when they aren’t instagram feuding.
Hell, shelby township finally got a craft brewery after every other city in the state has had like half a dozen for the past decade! AND IT’S FUCKING AWFUL! And there’s no excuse for that dumpster fire of an establishment being bad! They spent a year preparing to open. One whole year - 11 months perfecting their twee little “shield” and logos and one month learning how to make beer so awful it makes killians taste like something from founders.
APplebees. FUcking applebees and TGI fridays everywhere in that town. There is no character in that city. None. Your character is defined by how far up your own asshole you’re willing to go.
People from that dump (this bitch included) call it “THE TWIP! :D “ ....LET. THAT. SINK. IN.
She probably blew a guy in a parking lot after a detroit tigers game. He had at least one tribal tattoo and was wearing an affliction shirt. She thought he had “southern charm”. He actually had “daddy issues”.
Fuck, this makes me want to move even further away from this shining beacon of mediocrity and self-congratulatory simplicity. 200 miles wasn’t far enough.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 11:36 |
There were some white trash rednecks in the first TV adaptation of Fargo. For such a stereotypically friendly place, the Midwest actually seems to be just as bad as the Deep South.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 11:39 |
Let’s not forget how stupid the average American is, and realize that half of them are stupider than that.
I always thought it was interesting seeing the Stars and Bars North of the Mason Dixon line. Why do people in New York fly them?
![]() 09/13/2016 at 11:44 |
Sadly, Michigan is no fault and her daddy is connected to the police who have nothing better to do than accept bribes and favors from the upper class assfucks. Trust me, I know. You lose. You just lose. Fuck shelby township.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 11:46 |
![]() 09/13/2016 at 11:47 |
The way the law is written it is the responsibility of the driver following to leave enough space to brake safely.
Relevant text.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 11:54 |
Then he should fly the Gadsden Flag, not the flag of traitors...
![]() 09/13/2016 at 12:04 |
Do upper class people buy their kids Avengers and old Jeeps?
On the west coast, the lucky birth kids all seem to be gifted Maseratis, BMWAudis, and Porsches. Go inland and the bro trucks can become a factor, but seldom with such stickers.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 12:06 |
“Team Deep”
Oh man....
![]() 09/13/2016 at 12:07 |
Michigan is......special. Though I’m amazed it wasn’t a sebring convertible. THat used to be standard kit for YEARS for spoiled white girls in Michigan.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 12:07 |
I’m glad you saw this post. As someone who works here everyday I hate the drivers. All of them. So many damn bro trucks who cant handle a little car passing them on the right and have to agro out. So many dumb SUV/Minivan drivers who just doddle along doing 65 in the passing lane. There is only like 4 miles of expressway in Shelby township and its the worst.
I come to work and GTFO. Fellow employees ask why I don’t live closer. I have to stop myself from laughing out loud. This place is a damn cultural wasteland.
Oh and damn near everyone I work with is a middle aged white male that supports Trump. They “dont understand why black people are upset over cop killings. Cops kill more white people!”
![]() 09/13/2016 at 12:09 |
Not a single word of that surprises me in the slightest.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 12:11 |
Crazy. Here those were for older guys trying to be carefree, newly retired people, or rental cars.
It’d be a shame if someone gave her a taste of her own medicine re: braking. She seems like the type who would hit and run though - better get a dashcam and bring in legal help from a legitimate city should the locals try to sweep it under the rug.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 12:16 |
Holy shit that was savage!
![]() 09/13/2016 at 12:38 |
![]() 09/13/2016 at 12:52 |
This is a quality rage comment. :D
![]() 09/13/2016 at 12:53 |
That’s what I said.
Then I recommended a traditional 13 star US Flag, you know a rebel flag with a winning history.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 12:53 |
That sums it up nicely.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 12:53 |
Oh I would in a heart beat.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 12:55 |
Depends where you are. Illinois has tons of pockets of really nice communities...and places you don’t want to leave a treadmark in.
Then you have Wisconsin, which save for Racine, Kenosha, Madison, and maaaaaaybe the Dells, is just no...never a place to visit if you’re a minority of some kind.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 13:57 |
Call me the macho man, I’m so fucking savage when it comes to my hometown.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 13:57 |
I can get on my pedestal and rail on shelby township from now until the universe succumbs to heat death.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 14:52 |
I may be horrible person but I love these and never get sick of them so keep them coming.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 15:21 |
This is my equivalent of RCR’s constant pennsylvanian references.
![]() 09/13/2016 at 20:53 |
Wow and in Michigan out of all the places.
I was born and spent a good chunk of my childhood living in the deep south and I got really accustomed to seeing the confederate flag in the Mississippi flag as a sign of southern pride and as a show of heritage.
But for me personally, seeing it outside of that context and into the context of blatant, organized racism is pretty disgusting.
And obviously in this case, this creature who feels the need to flaunt her whatever-it-is she’s trying to prove, it’s unacceptable.
![]() 09/14/2016 at 02:09 |
Mind if I repost this pic on a FB group? Most specifically, ricer of the day
![]() 09/14/2016 at 08:48 |
I stole the images from a Facebook group, so by all means have at it!
![]() 09/19/2016 at 11:08 |
This was glorious.
![]() 09/19/2016 at 23:31 |
She has a Hello Kitty case on her iPhone 5, whose contract somehow isn’t up yet and she won’t stop bitching about it but also bitches about how the iPhone 7 won’t have a headphone jack and she has to ask daddy to buy her some nice Lightning headphones.